Martha. Eine zuverlässige Rathgeberin in der Kochkunst und in den meisten anderen Zweigen der Hauswirthschaft, (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UMK, 2024) - Erzählung „Eine Folge der unruhigen Nächte und des erschöpfenden Kummers“

„ALLES IST TEURER ALS UKRAINISCHES LEBEN“ – Texte über Westsplaining und den Krieg (edition.fotoTAPETA, 2023) - Essay „Historische Ignoranz?“

ein Glücksfall … wirklich ALLEN zu empfehlen, die irgendwie erfahren, wissen, mitreden wollen“ Ilko-Sascha Kowalczuk, Historiker

The New Frontier: Writing from the Irish Border (New Island, 2021) - Essay “A Topography of Wounds”

“These writers aren’t interested in platitudes or clichés, and the result is an honest, original and urgent dispatch on a subject that should matter to us all a great deal.” Joe Joyce, Totally Dublin

Island. Eine Insel und ihre Bücher (Reclam Verlag, 2021)

Das Nebeneinander von Tradition und Moderne, Mythologie und Fortschrittsglaube – sie machen Islands Identität aus, die sich über Jahrhunderte durch Aneignung, Reibung und Abgrenzung herausgebildet hat, wie Krueger in seinem Buch unterhaltsam und mit großer Sachkenntnis zeigt. Eine Literaturgeschichte, die ihren Namen verdient.” Deutsch-Isländische Gesellschaft Bremen

Iceland - A Literary Guide for Travellers (I.B. Tauris, 2020)

“This is a very ambitious and interesting project. I am impressed with the thoroughness and research which has gone into it.” Ingunn Snædal

Von Ostpreußen in den Gulag (Reclam Verlag, 2019)

„Auch wenn der Leser immer wieder gezwungen wird, einen Zeitenwechsel zwischen Vergangenheit und Gegenwart vorzunehmen, ist diese literarische Kombination eine erinnerungsstarke, lesenswerte Geschichte.” Helmut Eggl, Sankt Michaelsbund

Babushka's Journey: The Dark Road to Stalin's Wartime Camps (IB Tauris, 2017)

“Babushka’s Journey shows the effects of the terrifying last year of World War II on the former German province of East Prussia.  By reaching the past through a journey of his own,  Marcel Krueger discovers the extent of this destruction and what his beloved grandmother endured when she was caught up in it.  This book is a moving account of family love and the devastation of war.” Max Egremont

“Marcel Krueger's own exploration out east works richly as counterpoint to his grandmother's ordeal. A great achievement. I feel enriched after reading it.” Tim Butcher

“The story of Cilly is the story of eastern Europe in the first half of the 20th century. It is a remarkably well-written book, all the more impressive as English is not the author’s first language.” Ronan McGreevy, The Irish Times

“His grandmother’s fate allows him to experience the history and geography of less accessible places. He meets their residents today. In these meetings, he tries to avoid the optic of a traveller who arrives to a wild country. In fact, his description of Poland is so warm that it makes you want to have a beer in the city of Olsztyn, as he describes it.” Zofia Bluszcz, New Eastern Europe

Berlin - A Literary Guide for Travellers (IB Tauris, 2016) - written together with Paul Sullivan

In all, Berlin-A Literary Guide, is a lively and entertaining stroll through a historical Berlin covering a big section of at least those writers and figures who are currently interesting to intellectuals.” Nicolas Hausdorf, Hong Kong Review of Books

“Berlin: A Literary Guide for Travellers is a book to take out walking - just as a guidebook should be.” Harry Strawson, The Times Literary Supplement

“You won’t find a pull-out U-Bahn map or the address of the local embassy in this guide – but what you will find is an incredibly well-researched and hugely enjoyable read. Written like a non-fiction book, it is a guide to the writing that has shaped Berlin, and the writers who have been shaped by it.” Tony Allen & Jochan Embley, The Independent

Stories from the City (Slow Travel Berlin, 2015) - Contributor

Letters from Berlin (The Pigeonhole, 2015) - Contributor

100 Favourite Places (Slow Travel Berlin, 2013) - Contributor

Stop Coming To My House - Thoughts and Stories (Self-Published, 2011)


Do Not Walk Outside This Area - More Thoughts and Stories (tba)